Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Chewin' nails

while listening to a couple new songs my mom sent me (she saves the cards from starbucks and emails me the codes to redeem the free songs), the phone rings.

me: hello?
dad: hey, it's your dad.
me, thinking this is unexpected since he called yesterday: oh hey, what's up?
dad: well i saw your facebook status* and thought i should call.
me: but it was in french.
dad: yeah, i had to google it to find out what it meant.
me, laughing: wow, i'm just realizing that my dad googled my facebook status in french and is calling me at my house in costa rica.
dad: hey, i'm your dad. ... you wanna talk to your sister?
me: sure.
em: hey holl.
me: hey babe. i hear you're quite the public speaker these days.
em: yeah, [speaking at church about their youth group's 30-hour fast] was pretty cool.
me: you know, the sunday where one of the guys spoke about the fast is one of the handful of services i remember from last year. ...
em: well, i don't know who spoke last year, but my speech was way better. i was 3 for 3 making the associate pastor cry.
dad: you know, 'when banks compete you win.'
me: i like how you just tried to pull off a bank's tag line as some maxim.
dad: no, it's not a bank's tag line, it's the lending tree's motto. if banks are competing for your business, you get a better deal. it make sense in theory. ... hey, don't laugh at your father.
dad: well, anytime you put up despairing messages in french, just know your dad's here.
me: it does sound more desperate in french, doesn't it?
dad: you know, it does.

i have a wonderful family. in particular, they listen very very well. they are the best part of who i am. and if there were ever a special edition six-person family double dare where all the questions were in the form of movie quotes, we would beat the other team by at least $425 and then win all the prizes from the encyclopedia set to the trip to the nasa family space camp with 12 seconds on the clock. easy.

*Holly en a marre. 22 minutes ago

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