Monday, February 2, 2009

This is why editors become curt jerks.

Because if you give contributors even the slightest leeway you didn't even know you were giving, they end up retching worthless responses and waxing poetic about your eyes:

--- On Mon, 2/2/09, Holly wrote:

Hi Ted,
Quick question re your Perspective submission. What is your latest novel about? Thanks in advance.

--- On Mon, 2/2/09, Ted wrote:

Thank you Holly for your little sunshine on a Monday morning:
What is it about? hummm... I like to say its about getting up when lifes drive you to the ground; to make big changes in the face of doubt, don't give up on those dreams. I suppose Henry Miller summed it up for me when he wrote: "Writing is about life; and life is 880 hourse power in a two cylindar engine." Stories can capture some of this, with all the love, tears, confucsions etc, to bring home the greatest reality of life: it all happened before and it will happen again. Like the water rushing down our rivers here, it will be back.
Let me send you he cover to the book, whose back cover gives some information. (plus the covers of two other of my books soon to come out... just for your information, not to load you up) .... I live the life of a writer more than I want to.
The novel is based on a story I wrote to be published under one cover; but forces around me, with more common sense than I, convinced me to bring them out as a trilogy. After considerable re-work, it is as I once dreamed. Some writers never get to see their work as they intended as you know. A piece I wrote in 2004, if I had time today I would slash and burn pieces of it, you can scan and perhaps get for some feeling for what my storytelling is about.
I am also uploading the introduction to my poetry book; throw it away or it may be of some help.
the last page of my "Gesar Tale" sign off the acknowlegement, and reads: "San Jose, Costa Rica, September, 2008." It was published a little over a month ago. It has been send to reviewers but nothing as of yet.
give my best to (the editor). His character and his humanity glow in those eyes, a real good guy.
thanks,,, ted

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