Sunday, February 1, 2009

"90 minutes of fun"

If I had a nickel for every cab driver who's asked me why a girl like me is single, I'd probably have at least $2 by now. I wouldn't know, I usually tell the taxistas, you'd have to ask the boys. I don't bother to tell them that, while the boys have never had enough gumption to take me on a date, they have had enough to proposition me, a few times. Other people get 15 minutes of fame, while I get offered 90 minutes of fun. It's not something I quite understand.

I've never liked to kiss & tell, for a lot of reasons, but often it's just because there's this startling paucity of any real stories worth telling. I embellish most of them (sometimes past the point of embellishing to appropriating someone else's bit and slipping it in as mine) just to be able to come up with any droll bit because the stories as they are are rather deflating. Sure, there were some nice moments with some guys, but mostly, I've just seen a lot of game, very little original material. Those sweeter moments are usually the same ones they recreate or elaborate on with the next girl, so it wasn't anything specific about me they appreciated about me, they just like appreciating girls. Like the way you have a job: if they hadn't hired you or once you leave, they just hire someone else, but no one's ever set on having you around. I'm plenty amusing and have a pretty enough smile, but nothing to compel them either. In the lower moments, it feels like a lot of wasted heart, but I'd rather feel that than that I was arbitrary to someone. At that point, there's not a lot I can do, including resent it. It is what it is.

But if you are with someone, please appreciate them. There are a lot of people who fall in love in the world, but it's not something we're ever promised. To have someone who will put up with you, to watch the game with, give to, who will challenge you without judging you, who'll stand up for you and maybe even throw a hook at the guy who just insulted you, someone who knows they want to be with you regardless of where you are or what you're in, that's a gift. So don't take them for granted and show them this. Give them a story.