Friday, August 29, 2008

Soundtrack for a Crab

Miriam posts multiple vids of Grayson and her babbling. I post ones of crabs eating to the beats of a couple different drummers. It works.

Out on Playa Sámara this past weekend, I was on my way to take pictures of the beach at sunrise for a hotel review, when I became completely engrossed by these bizarre multi-colored tree-dwelling crabs along the road. While they were apparently unperturbed by the speeding motor vehicles a few meters away, most of them shot into their lairs when I so much as thought about farting in their general direction.

But not this guy. About 5" long, he had that big papa don air, and there wun't no way he's gonna interrupt his meal fur no silly white girl and her camera.

But I like the video with this track, too, because what if those were your baby's arms?

I ended up with about a dozen pictures of the beach and three dozen of the crabs. (I also missed the Palin nomination by about two hours because I was having so much fun figuring out which song's lyrics were most in synch with the footage.)

1 comment:

Miriam said...

Oh holly, Thank you for that. seriously. brought joy to my day.