Thursday, September 11, 2008

Plucked Her Eyebrows Along the Way

"one thing was evident, she thought, hollywood had not spoiled holly's goodness, she was so unaffected and friendly, and her words were not just idle ones, spoken for the sake of it. she meant them."
-sbgr, 90

"in 'how a resurrection really feels,' one of finn's recurring characters, a lost soul named holly, crashes into a church on easter sunday – 'limping left on broken heels' – to declare to the congregation that while druggy parties might have killed her, visions and saints have resurrected her. it's a strange tale."
-nym on ths, 7/21

"holly had achieved nothing, and this was entirely due to the unexpected unfriendliness of the efrafan rabbits."
-wd, 256

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